Blog “week 5”

The final week consisted in finalising the project.

Ramsha successfully made the handmade waterproof enclosure for the whole security system as well as designed the projects logo.

Faizal managed to make the system work correctly. The emailing system was implemented successfully and uses python to receive signals from the arduino. It then uses the given details in this case the login details, which were set in the code to the connect to the given smtp server in our case the gmail email server uses the login credentials to sign in and sends a email with the given subject and a message content set in the python code.

The code was set to read the serial print line statement so one of the Problems I have encountered was that reading the serial print line with the python code confused the program and an email was getting sent at the wrong time. To figure out this issue I set the python code to be reading only the first letter of the print line statement of the arduino and if the statement would be “M” which stand for Movement detected, then the code will call the function send email and the program executed.

The team was not able to implement the camera due to the time pressure so we decided to take our second input to be the temperature sensor.

Faizal worked on implementing the temperature sensor and managed it to work with the alarm circuit. He is currently working on detecting specific degree values to alarm or send the user a notification via email. This task is challenging, because it does not work well together with the sensor system. We are looking forward to be able to get this function to work soon.

Rahul took care of the solar power part of the system. He designed an enclosure for the solar panel and battery which was 3D Printed as well as made the solar power charger which will be used to provide power to the system. He encountered problems with the charger at the start as the circuit we purchased could only receive power from the battery and couldn’t receive power from the panel

As a result, the team finally created a Solar Powered Security System as required but couldn’t manage to implement the camera feature due to less time. Overall, we are content with our outcome and will try to improve it during the summer by editing more features to it compressing it into a smaller box and making it portable as possible .We also looking forward to improve the range of the receiver and transmitter as it will allow the user to use it in a wider range for a better comfort.

Pictures of the product below:

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