Blog “Week 3”


This week the group received the parts for the enclosure of the security system as well as the parts for the solar power charger.

Faizal worked on the receiver and also tried to implement the camera to take images of any suspicious activity. The camera had many complicated inputs and outputs so the group wanted to implement a simple camera function which made it hard to do so the group struggled to implement the camera which is currently being investigated by the team for a solution or alternative. Faisal also is working on the creation of the SMS and Email function to alert the user about any problem encountered. In this step coding in Phyton is required, which is time consuming, because no coding in Phyton has ever been done by any group member so far.

Raul worked on the solar power charger which required soldering. Every electrical part of the solar power charger has been completed except we are missing a 9v lithium battery. The charge controller was a bit different compared to the tutorial we had found on how to create a solar power charger, so it took a while to investigate how to connect it to the usb boosting circuit as we had to use a screw driver to take the screws out and insert the wires and then screw it again. Raul also investigated the problems encountered last week and created the week log.

Ramsha received the parts for the enclosure of the security system and worked out the physical form of the security system including exact measurements and plans of where the drilling is needed.

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