Blog “Week 3”


The third group meeting was held this week where we worked with receivers. We made use of a transmitter, which was connected to the motion sensor which sends signals to the receiver in order to send emails and sms to users, to inform them about any suspicious activity.

As shown in the image above, we have successfully managed to get the RF receiver to work. The issues we have encountered were that our receiver had four pins, which was not as planned. Following our planning we have ordered a 3 pin receiver .We received a 4 pin RF Receiver which made us restructure our planning of the RF Receiver module and a picture found online helped us to identify the pin connections. (Image below).


Ramsha was working on the physical connection of the creation of the RF Receiver while Faizal was able to manage successfully the code and made the receiver work. Rahuls task was to look into the Transmitters creation for the next step and write our experience to include it in the blog as well as investigating on our issues.

The group couldn’t continue working on the transmitter as we were missing female jump wires to connect the motion sensor to the breadboard.

Additionally, we started working with the solar panel but it wasn’t working correctly therefore we decided to continue working on it next week and investigate why the solar panel is not working.

Next week the group is going to start on the Transmitters creation and get it to work together with the receiver. We will then try to investigate the problems we have encountered so far and plan on the enclosure. Faizals task will be to look into the email sending method and Rahul will look into how we can manage to send SMS to the user using the RF Receiver. Ramsha will investigate the solar panel and work on the enclosure of the Security System.

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