Weekly blog for physical computing 29/01/16



Continuing from last week’s research as a group we understood what has to be done for this week. Last week we had ordered our list of components that were needed for the project and have received more than half of them.

This week we will start to implement our project from the first step however as a group have decided to use a 9v battery for the first attempt and then move on to the solar panel process.

Problem faced for this week:

There has been a problem with the delivery of component, which has caused some delays in our project, nevertheless as a team we had compensated and went to the nearest Maplin store to get the left over components.

We were also facing problem on how to use the solar power with the Arduino. We had done some research, which was giving us ideas but it was unclear how to implement the solarpanel. To solve this matter we had spoken to our supervisor and other group members in the lab, which has given us some suggestions that either to create a solar battery bank or to create a solar panel battery charger. To be able to make a decision we would keep in process of research and finally decide by the end of next week.

Targets achieved:

  • Fully researched about the project
  • Got together the components
  • Had a group meeting discussing the tasks for each person

Target for this week:

  • To start coding and building the project
  • Update the weekly log
  • Have a group meeting on what everyone has done at the end of the week.



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