Blog “Week One”

The first group meeting was held this week where we discussed and made a list of the materials required in order to create the system. The materials will be ordered bearing in mind the maximum price target of the system in order to not make it very expensive, therefore the group made a rough estimate on how much the system would cost financially.
Likewise, we debated on how the solar power is going to be combined with the voltage in order to connect it to our HomeSecuritySystem. Furthermore, the different ways of linking the solar power and voltage to the HomeSecuritySystem.
The group also researched on which would be the appropriate camera to capture images when the alarm detects suspicious movement as well as how the alarm would be activated to capture images when required, having in mind that the camera should be the perfect size and weight to be able to transport the security system. The messaging system was also reviewed in terms of how the SMS will be delivered to the user to inform them of any kind of suspicious activity.

Next week the group is planning to order the parts and start on the implementation of the system. The planning and design of the security system will be done in the next group meeting. The body of the security system will be purchased, such as plastic and wood for the solar panel.
The solar power will be implemented at the end of the project as it is very time consuming and quite complex. Likewise, the team prepares on working on the input which in this case is the sensor to detect any movement and the camera to send the user images.
Also, the group will prepare the main outputs which are sound that will utilize a siren in order to alert the user of any suspicious activity and light on the body of the security system to indicate the user weather the security system has been activated.

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